Friday, January 7, 2011

Hospitalization #12 - Day 3

Jennifer is home for the weekend and I am looking forward to taking care of my little man for a few days.  I have several meetings next week, so I will not be able to come to the hospital.

Brett made it through surgery quite nicely.  By the end of the day he felt pretty good.  He was taken off contact precautions so I was able to give him a wagon ride around the floor for a while.  He had a big time flirting with the nurses.  He was blowing kisses and smiling like normal!

They drew more blood tonight to check on other bacteria that may be in his blood.  Nothing definitive yet, so we will just wait and see.  They also had to take out the line that was put in earlier today because it quit working.  They were able to put another line in his other arm.  It is so hard for an infant to keep a line in their arm.

Here are a few pictures from today........


  1. I'm so glad that he's doing so well after his surgery and getting some Daddy/son time! Enjoy your time at home too Jennifer!

  2. So happy he got to take a wagon ride...I know the nurses must love his flirting! You two are amazing the way you juggle life...your boys are blessed! Praying he will be able to go home soon!
