Sunday, June 7, 2009

Making Progress

Brett is making some progress.  It looks like they will take him off the ventilator either today or tomorrow.  We hope he does well and does not labor to much to breath.  He can go 15-30 minutes okay, but he labors a lot right now.  The though is that he could not keep it up 4 hours later because of how hard he has to work.  

Jennifer got to hold him yesterday and he is beginning to look a lot better.  He still has a couple more months to go, but getting off the ventilator is the first big step.

Mark began mini-mite hockey yesterday.  It begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 9:30 AM.  I was happy he stayed on the ice pretty much the whole time.  His previous hockey classes were only 30 minutes.  

Gantt is still doing very well.  He weighs almost 9lbs!!  There is no real update with him, except he is so easy going and that helps greatly with all that we have going on.