Friday, April 17, 2009

First Time Sharing a Crib

Brett and Gantt were able to move together to share a crib for the first time! Brett is on the left and Gantt is on the right. They are doing really well  - after all, they'd been sharing the same space for 32 weeks in utero. Gantt is the wiggle-worm and his hands were all in Brett's face, but Brett slept right through it. One time during an ultrasound we tried to get a good picture of Brett, but Gantt's leg was hanging over his I guess he is just used to it! 

They are both progressing really well.  The DNA tests for Gantt came back.  He is a carrier of CF, but he does not have it.  They also took the feeding tube out because he is eating from the bottle so well.  

Brett is progressing as well.  He has had his food increased, but his output is a little too high which means he is not digesting enough.  (this is to be expected) The doctors at UNC are very good.  They have given us a lot of information about CF.  The only thing they can do for him right now is physical therapy.  Someone comes in twice a day and pats on his chest to help break up the phlegm.  He actually enjoys this right now, but it does wear him out a little.  

The two boys seem very happy and they really are precious together! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Graduating to "big boy beds"!!!

Both boys with the beds side by side
Brett (pictured above) Gantt (pictured below)

So the boys were moved to bassinettes. (a.k.a. "big boy beds" by the nurses)  Brett is back on food and Gantt will have his feeding tube taken out today.  Both boys are doing great and really seem to like their new home.  

They were moved from Pod A to Pod C and it is a lot better for us as a family.  The two boys can be pulled side by side and Jennifer can pull a curtain all the way around for privacy.  If you watched the video from previous posts, you noticed the boys were next to each other, but could not be pulled side by side.  The biggest benefit is that Jennifer can have Brett nearby to give him his pacifier while she is feeding Gantt.  Jennifer had a great day with the boys!

The next step for Brett is to wait another 6 weeks so he can have surgery again.  Once they reattach his intestines, they will begin his feeds again.  The doctors cannot give him enzymes to help his CF until he is getting all his full feedings from a bottle.  Please pray for his continued growth and progress.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

They are back together again!

This is one of our favorite pictures of Brett.  The pacifier he is holding is normal size.  It really helps to show how much of a little guy he is.

It turns out the RSV was a complete "scare".  None of the kids have it and all of the rapid tests were false positives.  They have moved the two boys back together again in the same room.

They did have to stop Brett's feeding because he developed another blockage.  However, after they rinsed out his ostomy, the blockage began to clear.  Hopefully sometime in the next couple of days he will begin getting milk again.

Gantt is still doing great.  He is primarily being fed by a bottle with the occasional tube feeding.  If he keeps on growing like he is, we may get him home a little sooner than anticipated!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A day with Gantt...

Happy Easter!

Today we got to spend some time with Gantt. (all the above pictures are of Gantt) Brett contracted RSV virus and has been put in isolation with the other babies with the same thing.  There are about 8 kids that have this virus and they have been separated from the other kids.  Rob spent a little bit of time with Brett after scrubbing out and wearing the full get up.  (mask, gloves, and gown)  

Rob did change Gantt's diaper today.  (no that is not photoshopped)  Gantt is gaining weight and he is eating full meals every 3 hours.  He actually gained almost 100 g in 48 hours!  I hope you enjoy these pictures.

On a different note, we did get a diagnosis on Brett.  He does have Cystic Fibrosis and we spent an hour or so with the pulmonary doctor discussing some of the things we need to think about.  It is also great that we are so close to UNC because they are one of the leading hospitals in treating CF.  We will also be testing Gantt for CF and the results will take just over a week.

They did tell us not to google cystic fibrosis and start reading everything because there is a lot of misinformation out there.  The best place to go is here ----->Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Home

It seems that Brett can have a "normal" life, but there may be some complications with his gut.  The doctor seemed to think that he did not have that large of a percentage of his intestines removed.  We were encouraged about this because one of the biggest issues with CF kids is getting good nutrition.  Right now we have to wait 6 weeks or so for Brett to heal so he can have surgery again.  This next surgery will be to reconnect his intestines.  Once this happens, we will wait and see how he does.   We are comforted in the fact that they told us we can put his crib together and he will make it home to be with us in a few months!  

What a joy it is to have 3 wonderful boys!!!