Friday, November 12, 2010

Hopitalization #10 - Day 10

Yeah! We made it home last night (Thursday).  We are soooooo glad to be home and have the chance to regroup our life and our family. Right now the plan (although it is obviously always subject to change!) is to admit Brett again on November 21st, and do the endoscopy the next day, then stay another night just to watch him. This is nice because it gives us a week's break. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let's Go, Canes!

Oh yes, mooooore hockey! Since GG came to sit with Brett at the hospital, we were still able to do some fun things on Saturday. Earlier in the day, Mark and I were able to go to his school drama club's production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." We had been planning that for a long while, and I'm glad we didn't have to miss it.

Later that evening, Rob took Mark to another hockey game - this time we won, playing the Florida Panthers. Mark got to high-five Eric Staal 3 times, he got a t-shirt from the Storm Squad, and we got 3 goals he could go crazy cheering for! Also, Marty Reasoner plays for Florida, so he thought it was cool to see a player with his own last name.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hospitalization #10 - Day 9

Fun with Daddy

 Brett has gained almost 200 grams a day since he has been admitted! When he came to clinic last Tuesday, he weighed 8.8 kilograms. Today he weighed 9.9 kilograms, so the therapies have been successful in that regard. In pounds, he went from 19lb 6 oz to 21 lb 9 oz. This is only his second day on full feeds and off TPN, though, so we still have yet to see whether he can continue the weight gain without the TPN.

Taking his Flovent

There was some talk about Brett going home today, but it was not meant to be. It appeared this morning he could be starting to not tolerate the full feeds (demonstrated by loose bowel movements which could suggest "dumping" the nutrients), but since this morning that hasn't happened again. Discharge takes a long time, and has to be coordinated perfectly when your little patient has to have medications at specified times - the home health company has to have them at the house, and you need time to be able to get home before the next scheduled medication.

What a big boy!!

 Another issue is that Brett's antibiotics were started at 2 am when he was admitted. Obviously, I'm not getting up at 2am to do an IV, so we have to systematically inch it back toward 10pm, 6am, and 2pm. The other one will probably be at 9:30am and 9:30pm. Also, since Brett's IgG level is already below his target of 500, he can get his infusion while we're still here tomorrow instead of having to come back next Tuesday. His GI doctor still wants to do an endoscopy,  but she wants to wait until at least next week to do it. So now the tentative plan is to stay the night, get the IgG infusion, and go home sometime tomorrow IF he doesn't continue dumping. Let's pray it really happens!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween Cuties 2010

Everyone went Trick-or-treating this year at the Reasoner house. Both babies loved it! Gantt got the hang of it VERY quickly, as you can imagine!!
Brett as Tigger

Gantt as Superman

Mark as Obi-Wan Kenobi

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hospitalization #10 - Day 7

Another night at UNC...

I'm doing a marathon stay with Brett right now - I call anything more than 24 hours a "marathon." Actually, this is only my 2nd overnight stay out of 7 nights, though, thanks to my "angel mother" who did a SUPER marathon and stayed 4 nights!!! Wow!!! Thanks mom!

Brett getting ready to go to the playroom - still on contact precautions

Brett has gained some weight (from 8.8 kilos upon admission to 9.42 kilos yesterday). Tonight the TPN will be turned off and by tomorrow morning he will be at his full feeds. Then we wait to see if he "tolerates" this and continues to grow, or if he starts "dumping" the nutrients  - thus the weight gain would stall. Only time will tell.  What we DO know from this admission's stool cultures in addition to last month's stool cultures is that he is absorbing proteins and carbohydrates just fine - it's the fat that he isn't assimilating.

Brett in the playroom - the poor girl had to roll everything around behind him!

It amazes me that God has designed our bodies just perfectly and that sometimes if one little thing goes wrong, it can create a disaster. Even though we complain that we get fat when we eat too much and don't exercise, we can be thankful that our bodies do what they are supposed to do. When your body can't absorb fat, it's really difficult to stay alive and grow without drastic measures. Also, an important part of cystic fibrosis management is regular physical exercise! This of course means even more calories are burned and less are being used for nutrition.

 A room full of toys, and all he wanted was to push a chair around!!

Brett's med tower

Brett gets over 2,000 calories per day via tube feeds and dietary supplements, and whatever he eats is additional. His special formula is pre-digested, and the extra fat we give him doesn't require pancreatic enzymes to digest. And he STILL has trouble gaining weight. We're thankful for the extra support options like TPN, but hope to not use it for too terribly long. Hope to be able to bring him home sometime this week.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hospitalization #10 - Day 6

Are you ready for some football??? Mark and Gantt are gettin' ready for the Chiefs vs. Raiders game today. There have never been cuter fans!

As for Brett, there hasn't been much to report the last few days - still on IV antibiotics (and will go home on them), and still on TPN. Every 6 hours they are weaning down the TPN and turning up his g-tube feeds. They say when the feeds are back at 100% and the TPN is completely off, he should be able to go home. At this point my guess would be Wednesday. Otherwise, Brett looks much better and is feeling good. Good enough for chocolate ice cream anyway!