Enjoying one of their favorite activities - snacking!
On Christmas Day, Brett stood up without any assistance whatsoever for the first time. He was so proud of himself, and so were we! On New Year's Day he actually took a couple of steps. He can climb the stairs but he can't yet get down. He can also push a walker toy.
They are really beginning to progress developmentally. They both use signs to convey their desires, use signs for various objects around the house, and have some adjectives as well. Both boys are also putting signs together to express themselves more clearly, such as "help, please" or "more water please".

We have taught them baby signs for many words they need to communicate but can't yet say, such as "more", "help", "please", "food", "drink", "hot", "dirty", "gentle", and "outside."

Both boys have words such as "hi", "bye", "dada", "mama", "hot", "cold", "yum", "shoes", "down", "whoa", and "wow." Whenever any sports program is on TV - football, hockey, monster trucks, and even golf, they both start yelling "GO!GO!" But the word both of them say the best is "NO!" And they say it to each other all day long sometimes!
They get along all right half the time, and the other half they seem to be fighting over the same toy, etc. Gantt uses his strength to take things from Brett or hit Brett or put things where Brett can't get them. I guess it's normal, but we are trying to curb that behavior, of course. Sometimes they will play side by side or just talk to each other, and those times are wonderful!
One thing they love doing together is rocking in the chair. It's fun to watch them do that.