Friday, May 7, 2010

So Happy Together

Well, everyone except Gantt I guess! LOL. He just wanted to get down and play. We are still so happy that Brett is home after just 3 days in the hospital. We couldn't believe it. It helps that I do have the pulse oximeter at home and I'm set up for oxygen therapy if he begins to need it. Even the IV schedule is much less demanding as last time - just 3 doses, 7 am, 3pm, and 11pm, with flushes 30 minutes afterward. We're trying to get back in the swing of things now - the daily routine of life.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2010

    Great pic! Glad you are all home! Have a great Mother's Day!!

  2. Yep, looks like Gantt had rather be doing something else.

    Jennifer, I truly hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day! You've certainly earned "Mother of the Year Award". At least you have in my book!
