Friday, April 16, 2010

How is Brett doing?

Brett had a check-up at UNC this week, and the doctor was "ecstatic" about his progress. It seems that the steroids are doing their job on his broncheolitis of infancy in CF, and with minimal side effects thus far. He is not requiring oxygen while he's awake, and I turn on just a tiny amount while he's sleeping. He weighed 21 lbs and 9 ounces, and had the largest growth he's ever had from visit to visit. As of this week's visit, he gets 6 hours off his tube feeds! The steroid therapy will be extended for many weeks, maybe months, with checks along the way. We will repeat the infant PFTs probably around a month to 6 weeks. We are to try to get him 20 minutes of sunlight a day without sunscreen to help the vitamin D. With the beautiful weather we've been having in North Carolina lately, that has been easy to do! I hope there will not be much to report in the mean time, but he still has his central line, so there is always the possibility of that getting infected. Otherwise, he's on a really good track right now. Let's pray it continues!


  1. Cindy WallaceApril 16, 2010

    That is wonderful news! I read your blog every day and enjoy seeing all the pictures.
    Many Blessings to all of you.
    Cindy Wallace

  2. What a wonderful update!

  3. Now all this is just fantastic . .I know he's not out of the woods, but seeing him look so good and getting such a good report is soooooo refreshing!

    I dearly LOVE this photo! Of course, you know that I'm printing this and taking it to the Bible Study Group on Wednesday. All the photos they've seen of his so far, he's had oxygen, sick, or wrapped up in some type of machine! I can just hear their squeals when they see and read this!

    We will keep him on the prayer list forever . .
