Thursday, March 11, 2010

CT Scan Day

Rob was well enough to come today for Brett's chest CT scan. He
couldn't resist giving him another Mohawk! All went well with the
anesthesia and waking up. Brett's been off oxygen since about 3am
today, so if he continues that trend, we'll take him home tomorrow.


  1. Praying that everyone is home tomorrow.

  2. Oh yea! Praying you do get to come home and be a family all under one roof again!

  3. Jennifer,

    I've been reading your blog. You and your husband seem to be handling Brett's CF with incredible strength and grace. I pray for your family often now and follow your blog. I'm sure there are not enough hours in the day for you right now. You have three BEAUTIFUL boys. Enjoy your time at home!

    Rebecca (Curylo) Strickland
