Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hospitalization #12 - Day 7

Hooray! Brett got a PICC line placed today that is big enough for home use! That coupled with several consecutive days of negative blood cultures means that he will most likely be able to come home this week!!

Right now we are hoping for Thursday, the day after tomorrow.There are always certain variables that could change things, of course, and for this visit, one of those variables happens to actually be the weather! We've had ice this week, and that shuts down almost everything around here since it's so dangerous to drive on ice. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for the rest of the week and home health will be able to deliver his medications, etc.

We closed the business today because of the treacherous driving conditions as well as lack of customers! Yesterday Mark had a 3-hour early release at school, and he was completely out today. Tomorrow is a 2-hour delay. Maybe the rest of the week will even out weather-wise and all will soon be back to normal.