Wednesday, April 7, 2010

WV Winter Wonderland

What a long trip! And it was soooo cold! But we thought it was worth it once we got there and got settled in our cozy 4 bedroom cabin.
It really was so much fun to watch Mark ski for the first time. He had an absolute ball. Rob was very tired after trying to keep up with Mark all day (and night). Although Brett and I had to leave early, I was thankful to have had at least one day to ski.

I think this video of Mark is worth posting again. If you didn't catch it last time, be sure to check it out now.


  1. Wow! What a beautiful site!!!!

  2. And Mark looks so cute in his outfit! I watched the skiing video earlier and was totally amazed at the control he has over the skis!

    My heart sank when those bigger guys came on the scene and when Mark started toward the woods - but he handled both just fine ..

    That's my nephew!
