Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reasoner & Eccher Children

Incidentally, the birthday party was the first time the Reasoner twins had met the Eccher twins! With the babies' prematurity and fragile medical conditions, this was the first time we felt it was wise.
 Gantt and Brett meet Emma Alessandra and Sophia Isabella
(Gantt looks especially pleased!)
Mark and Victoria

Emma and Sophia - Identical Twin Girls! What a joy!


  1. FANTASTIC!! I can't believe how Brett has grown! And they all look so happy together!

    All the celebrators are just fantastic! I particularly love the photo of Mark and Victoria.

    But the best part of this post is that you realize how blessed you are to have friends such as these!

  2. How interesting that they got all the girls and you got all the boys...do I see some arranged marriages in the future?! ;)
