Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hospitalization #14 - Day 3

Brett continues to do well on his IV antibiotics. We are also trying to advance his feeds so that he can hopefully gain some weight! It's such a blessing to not be on contact or droplet precautions! Brothers got to visit and we had such fun!

Brett may not care for his bed too much, but the brothers thought it was great!...until Mark started adjusting the bed by pushing the buttons and then Gantt got a little freaked out and started crying.
All the boys got to visit the playroom together...
Here's an "Action shot" of Mark shooting the basketball

You really just never know how children perceive events - and I'm sure it depends a lot upon the perspective and example of the parents. Some of the times I've thought of as "bad" or "unfortunate" have turned out to be the things Mark has cherished most. For example, he wrote at school that his favorite Thanksgiving was the one we spent at the hospital. And one of his favorite memories is decorating Brett's hospital room for Christmas and painting his windows. Mark was actually disappointed we got to come home for Christmas last year since he had done so much work decorating! So be good parents wherever you find yourself - it's the relationships that matter much more than locations and circumstances. Merry Christmas!


  1. I know you are my daughter and I tend to think you are the greatest - but what a beautiful post! Great photos and visuals of the boys just being together. But you end with such a marvelous lesson for all parents and all grandparents (actually for all people) to treasure the relationships and never underestimate the power of memories of those events that seem so insignificant or even unfortunate at the time. I just love you, Little One.

  2. I just love you, too! Thank you for the kind words. And you know I'm telling the truth about Mark!

  3. What a heart warming story! And the boys playing in Brett's hosp bed gave me a chuckle!

    And with Mark writing about his decorating experiences last year at the hosp, has to come from the heart

    You're right - as 'adults' we just can't imagine how children perceive circumstances!

    My prayer is that he will remain healthy enough to remain at home during the holidays and y'all have a Blessed Christmas with your family!
